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Sunpass Passport
How long will my solar installation take?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

Will there be a blackout at home while installing solar?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

What will the additional third party liability insurance cover for the panels?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

I don’t want to send my old solar panels to the landfill. I care about the environment. What will Sunpass do with the damaged panels?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

My solar panels are not working anymore and my bills are increasing. I can’t get a hold of the solar company that installed them. What should I do?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

Do I need to clean my solar panels after installation?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

What are the checks I need to do before I choose a Solar Installer?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

Am I off grid after I install solar panels?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

What happens to my solar panel’s power production on days when the sun isn’t shining?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

What is my environmental impact after going solar?

Being the only company in the market to include third party liability cover on each panel installed, a cover of AUD$1,400,000 to AUD$2,300,000 for damages caused by the solar panels such as fire, etc.

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